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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Raw Almond Milk Freshly Made today

Raw Almonds are a must! Available at Blue Planet Co-op in St. Augustine, or a few Farmer's Markets around town from Blue Planet. Also online....

Soak the almonds for eight hours and then pull the skins off for best results. The skins are bitter and fiborous and do not give you the same silky texture as these! Blend with water for desired consistency. I strain through a double cheesecloth and add a little probiotics powder just for extra ones.

Make sure your almonds and raw and they soak 8 hours.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Raw Food Pad Thai

This is sea tangle noodles (available at select Health food Stores) soaked in nama shoyu, agave nectar, lime juice and sesame oil. Add shreds of garlic and ginger and cayenne pepper.

You can use any vegetables you like in your pad thai regularly, broccolli, carrots, sprouts, green onions, zuchini, etc...

Then I garnish with cilantro and thai basel and finish with curried cashews...

Start soaking everything before you leave for work and then by the time you are ready for dinner, everything will be nicely marinated and soft.

Cashew Cheese Dip with Flax and Buckwheat Crackers

Hello Friends trying to eat better!

You might say, Wow! Heather you are always posting cheese and desserts!! Well all I can say is that I am truly American and love junk foods, but the key is eating the foods that still have nutrition and taste great!

This is 2 cups of cashew soaked overnight , then blended and a teaspoon of probiotics added. This mixture stays overnight in cheesecloth so it can ferment and have a nice bite to it.

After its fermented "I took a handful of garden herbs, chives, rosemary and oregano, some lemon juice come miso and some tahini and blended it together.

I added buckwheat greens to the top and garnished with flax seed crackers. The flax seed crackers take about 30 minutes (20 of which is them soaking, requiring no energy output for you) and then i added buckwheat groats, cayenne peppers from the garden, turmeric, garlic and cilantro, blend and dehydrate until crispy!

Raw food is much easier for clean up! No greasy pans to scrape!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Raw Buckwheat Treats- Rival Rice Krispies

While it might be a little more advanced than the Rice Krispy Treats, it is healthier!!

Two thai young coconuts (I get mine from Asian stores not Whole Foods)
scrap out the meat, add some coconut oil, vanilla bean, agave. maple syrup and sea salts. Blend!!

Pour over your buckwheat groats(aavailble in bulk at the health food store). I soak mine for 8 hours and then dehydrate for 24 hours before I coat them, but if you don't have time, although not ideal, you can use them righ to ut of the bag!!

Dehydrate for 24 hours, if they make it that long, I love them warm right out of the machine!!

Ok, folks, no dehydrator? eBay !! Or it's gift giving time and what says I love you more than buying somehthing that is going to drastically help you eat healthier? $100!! Its less than a night out some times!

Raw Buckwheat Treats- Rival

Raw Dinner Couldn't be Easier!!

Cashew Cheese with Broccoli and Mushrooms

2 cups of cashews soaked in the frdige, 30 minutes-12 hours whatever works for you busy chefs!
Put it in the blender with some olive oil, light miso paste (available at any health food store)
1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast (also available at the same health food store in bulk).
1/2 red pepper
1/2 lemon squeezed
pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
1/2 jalapeno if you like hot

Now I know you are going to say "I don't have time to put 5 ingrdients into a blender and blend
The heat from the blender actuallly warms the sauce so don't heat it up in a pan.... keep it raw!

The veggies has been soaking in olive oil and a little Bragg's or Nama Shoyu (raw soy sauce)
Let the veggies soak all day or all night whatevers easy for you!!

Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard, it just has to be done!! You will feel like a million bucks eating this for dinner over pepperoni pizza... and hardly any clean up or prep time...