Fresh Black-eyed Peas with Hericot Vert and Curry Emulsion
If you find fresh peas, they are best, I used dried beans and soaked them overnight and then boiled them in 2 TBSp Earth Balance and four cloves of garlic. This is a little labour intensive so if you are short ontime Winn Dixie and Publix have Organic canned black eyed peas, just wash them because they put a ton of sodium in them for preservatives.
Heat the peas with Earth Balance and Garlic. Steam Hericot Verts very lightly, and add cilantro or parsley.
The curry emulsion is 1/2 cup of vegetable broth, 3 tbsp fresh squeezed ornage juice and 4 TBSP Eart Balance. Add 1/8 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, 2 teaspoons turmeric and 2 tsp of curry powder. Whisk together until its saucy.
I would like to use pea shoots here with this but they are so hard to find so once again I relied on arugula and spinach to green it up a bit. Lastly I toasted black sesame seeds slightly and added to garnish. Pretty easy dish especially if you use canned peas...
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